Laetitia Laversa, Ph.D.

About me

Laetitia Laversa

I am currently an ATER (temporary teaching and research position) at Université Paris Cité, IRIF (Paris) in Automata and applications team. I did a Ph.D. in Computer Science on verification of distributed systems in Université Côte d'Azur, under the supervision of Pr. Étienne Lozes and Dr. Cinzia Di Giusto (defended in 2021).
I'm interested in verification of systems using automata modeling.
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Ph.D. Subject

Title: Synchronizability for distributed systems

Download my thesis here
A very short explanation: Participation to "Ma thèse en 180 secondes"
Distributed systems are ubiquitous and their implementation is complex and error-prone. In order to check for errors, they can be modeled as systems of communicating automata, where each automaton represents the behavior of an element of the system. Verification problems such as reachability are undecidable in such a model. Indeed, a system of communicating automata is Turing-equivalent. For that, the use of approximations is necessary. k-synchronizability is one of these techniques. A system is k-synchronizable if, for all executions, there is an equivalent execution that can be divided into phases containing k messages. These phases are called k-exchanges. In this thesis, we analyse k-synchronizable systems: we show that reachability is decidable and we are interested in the membership problem, that is: given a system, decide whether it is k-synchronizable. We study both the case where k is an input of the problem, and the case where we have to guess a k such that the system is k-synchronizable. We study them according to the type of communication of the system. Either the system is in mailbox and so each process has only one buffer to store all received messages, or the system is in peer-to-peer, and each process has a buffer for each sender. Both problems are decidable when the system is communicating in mailbox. When the system is communicating in peer-to-peer, the first one is decidable and the second remains open. Finally, we point out some counter-intuitive cases of k-synchronizable systems that lead us to propose some variations to the definition of k-synchronizability. A comparative study of the state-of-art classes of systems and our new classes concludes our work.